Monday, January 2, 2012

We Will Learn a Lot From Life

By Xu Ying on January 20, 2011

When I look at those young faces around me,cartier love bracelet gold replica, I cannot help to cry. Both being proud part of the human race,cartier love bracelet bangle w serial number, the younger generation has been described as lazy, too emotional and lack of respect to others. I really cannot understand that thing.

I used to have these three characteristics. Not when I was looking for adventure, the rebellious child, but as a senior in high school youth.

It was at this point that my folly mischievous tendencies were at their highest. I complain constantly, taking care of my friends of my family, and in general just want to talk all the time.

Then came a moment when I wondered where I would end. Would I still on track to become a doctor like my parents wanted? Am I just want to keep acting like a child for the rest of my life?

This would spark a moment that triggers the process of learning a life lesson, pressing me to read through a computer screen.

Since then I have learned a lot of things, but these are the lessons I wished I'd stumbled in the past:

1. all opinions as well as the issues you want.

There was a time where the view of the whole world was mine too. Regardless of preferences, I have had were dashed in the face of someone else. This probably comes from a need to please others.

Remember that your opinion counts as much as the next guy, make more money than you or less popular than you. all opinions should carry equal weight.

2. Your emotions are under your control.

Drama, chaos and emotional - it was what happened most of my time as a teenager. When everyone is obsessed with what goes and what not, the mood down, mine especially.

If I heard someone say rotten things behind my back, I go out. Let yourself go. Looking back on the current frenzy, I'm not too surprised. After all, when you have little self control everything is possible.

The lessons are still conscious of how you react.

3. The arguments are unnecessary.

You want a little quarrel between friends and the fate of the universe? In my world it felt like. I wanted so badly to be true, and for those who are very ill. But ultimately, it only resulted in me wasting my time and frustration of another assault.

Is there really a point to discuss? Unless absolutely necessary, I learned that it is better to hold your breath on things you can not control at all.

Argue that changing the mind of a person is one of them.

4. Your parents want the best for you.

I'm not saying that every parent wants the best for you (an illusion), but usually the parents do what they do for you best interests.

My parents made me do dishes, cook dinner, sweeping, mowing the lawn, taking out the trash ... the list is long. And with every step, I complain and complain. I just made.

Now, I honestly see the value has learned these skills. They are able to effectively cook and clean up after yourself - what you should not?

And even if I despised school, I thank them for training, they helped me acquire.

5. societal norms mean nothing.

When you define your life, what society says, believe me, life seems much harder to live. You are constantly thinking about next to her, "Am I moving with the times? What is a normal thing to do? Is this acceptable?"

For me, it came to not trust me to be who I am. I think when we are children, we have already internalized this. We do not conform to society but only to express ourselves. Thus, after puberty, we start a little too careful.

So much so that we begin to lose.

Back to who we used to be. Carefree standards and not just live a life of our own.

6. You are not stuck in any situation.

Every time you lose a friend, a terrible note, or disappoint my parents, I cooked in my own filth. Meanwhile, the bad times go away seemed the only solution. Fortunately, I now know that you do not have to be stuck in bad situations.

You can go out and create better.

Everything depends on the perspective of how you see the situation. Viewing all a learning experience that makes life more pleasant, even in difficult times.

You're not stuck. You may proceed.

7. Learn by doing.

It is a lesson that I unconsciously followed for some time. I used to try everything at least once, just to see how it was. But as I entered my teens, I was wary of trying new things.

Skepticism kidnapped me, fear grabbed me, and soon ... I was wrong.

I count myself in the race before I got into it.

I think the lesson is clear.

You can not change what you do not know at that time.

Although it would be nice to transfer the wisdom of the whole cycle of space and time. I wish I could say to the younger, immature self that.

I would tell him to relax and everything will be fine. Just think that everything will go well and believe in your abilities, whatever path you choose.

However, I am glad I learned these lessons as I did. Each experience has helped shape a better person. I do not know if young people are playing, but if I want to say:

Listen to the lesson of life and experience it. Then you will find that many things are so easy and clean. Most of them are beautiful and interesting. That is life which is full of dramatic elements. We must admit them and love them. Everybody, good luck with you.

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