Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Eco Jewelry - Be Beautiful and Help Save The Envir

Many of us know that the planet we live in is beautiful, but the impact of mankind has been devastating in the last decades. With the progress we made in every domain, there has also been an increase in the wastes we create, which in turn harm our planet. While many seek personal gain, they tend to forget that if we continue this process of destruction, we won't have a planet to inhabit.

There are many people that get involved in the process of making life less hazardous to our planet, while others engage in reminding the ones who hurt the planet that what they are doing is wrong. Perhaps you, as a person believe that this process is time consuming, and considering your busy schedule, it would be damn near impossible to engage in such a process.

I am not here to lecture you on how you can join demonstrations outside factories so they will lower their harmful activities, but there are some things you can do. Even though many think that one person cannot make a difference, they are completely wrong. If any of us would consider spreading a behavior that prioritizes doing the right thing, then the results would be staggering.

The first step you can make is making a visual statement about this aspect. Now don't think that I am saying you should wear a "Stop pollution" shirt round-the-clock, because if you work in an office, the next day you would be fired, because the attire doesn't suit company rules. You should think about wearing a piece of eco jewelry that can make a powerful statement to those around you.

Eco jewelry doesn't imply moving the "Stop pollution" statement from your clothing items to the jewelry around your neck. It can be a wonderfully handcrafted piece that can represent our planet and the fight to keep the surrounding environment safe, without the opulent inscription and catchy statements. It can even complement your attire, business or otherwise.

In order to keep you from scratching your head, wondering what I am talking about, you should visit the website ka-gold-jewelry.com. Here you will see the beautiful piece of eco jewelry created by the cosmic jewelry artist David Weitzman.

The design of the eco jewelry pendant is meant to remind us about the importance of something greater than ourselves, that we need the planet we inhabit to be balanced and to function properly, otherwise we are all doomed. One look at this pendant and you will see that it is a breathtaking piece of art that can also make a powerful statement to others.

The design also encompasses a Hebrew inscription that means "Change it". It is meant to remind us that one person can make a difference, one step at a time, one day at a time. If you help one person, then that person can help others in turn and so on, which will lead to better behavior and a better place to live. And all of it can start with a simple piece of eco jewelry.

In order to help others who are engaged in this epic battle against the destruction and devastation of our planet's resources, all the profits that are made from the sales of eco jewelry pendants will be donated to the organizations of this nature.

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gold jewelry sets |gold jewelry sets on sale | gold jewelry for women |By Clint Jhonson on March 26, 2009

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